Henan Zhengzhou Mining Machinery willexplain notice about ball mill equipments
Release Date: 2011.02.16 Views:

Firstly,we will learn reforms of ball mill equipments,ball millprovide drying dust cleaning system of phosphate rock powder for triplesuperphosphate production, the wet spray dedusting take place of orginal electricprecipitation,In the second stage cyclone mill to the end of theexhaust gas and the end of the exhaust pipes were installed within the 3 and 2foam dust spray,introduce the structure size and installation of foamdust spray in detail.such ball mill can make use of 3 years,have a good effect,Both the purified exhaust gas, and recovery of thephosphate rock powder, while the transformation of little investment.

Secondly, pay attention to the maintenance of ball mill equipments: the ball mill lining plate mainly suffer force of impact, grinding stength and electrochemicalcorrosion wear, while the magnetic lining make use of magnetic materials N, Spole arranged alternately to form an open magnetic system curved surface, usehigh magnetic fields to absorb broken steel ball, magnetic mineral substanceformed 20-30 protective layer, reduced the direct wear of lower magnetic lininggreatly,improved the service life of lining. Long service life,low cost, lightweight, easy disassembling and about 7% eletrical energy saving, saving about3% steel ball,increase volume and ore quantity, improve on grindingefficiency, increase operration systemof ball mill.

Finally,the maintenance of ball millequipment is very important. the ball mill for no cracking repair of largebamboo poles ,  The traditional processingcrevasse method is adopt taking the part of shippo to clear up crack and spending crevasse, the thickness of crevasse altar is larger byusing such method processing, it brings a very large difficulty to the polishoperation of crevasse, both reduced production efficiency and effected thequality of end cap welding repair.therefore,we should adopt professional oxygen for G01-300 type + shippoto replace take the part of shippo exploded the crack and spending crevasse, in this way, leave out polishingprocess and devote to leaded end cap preheat,increase the production efficiencyof ball mill greatly.

We Henan Zhengzhou Mining Machinery Co.,Ltdis a professional manufacture of ball mill, you will find out ball mill aboutmore than 50 countries and areasat abroad, we have a good reputation both at home and abroad.

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