Domestic most professional lime rotary kiln manufacturer HeNan zhengkuang mining Machinery Co.,ltd introduce the detailed information of Lime Rotary kiln Process.Regular limestone was deposited in the warehouse and transported into the preheater on the top warehouse by the bucket elevator.The top and button level gages control the quantity of added materials; limestone was distributed uniformly to every cabinet in the top warehouse of preheater.The limestone in preheater was heated to about 900 celsius degree by the kiln gas which is 1150 celsius degree. Approximately 30% of the limestone was resolved, and then it was pushed into the rotary kiln by hydraulic.The limestone in the rotary kiln was sintered and then resolved to CaO and CO2. The decomposition limestone enters into the chiller.In cooler the limestone was cooled to below 100 celsius degree by the cold air and enters the rotary kiln through heat e xchange 600 celsius degree hot air. It was burned mixed the coal.The waste gas added cold wind enters the bag filter by draught fan, and then enters the chimney by the exhaust blower.The limestone from chiller is transported to the lime shipping department by the electric-vibrating feeder, bucket conveyor, bucket elevator, belt conveyor.
Henan zhengkuang mining Machinery Co., ltd is a professional rotary kiln manufacture in Henan, China. We have the excellent and experienced engineers who design the suitable rotary kiln for customers. We are careful in every part of the rotary kiln design and rotary kiln production. We pay attention to every detail of the rotary kiln.